Telepathy !!!

I was reading in a bedroom.My father was getting ready for office.He today applied some perfume.A smell of that perfume sensed to me.And it put my brain to think this-
Mind:How could have perfume at a distance put a change in my body smelling physics.
Me:Perfume would have emitted certain invisible nano particles.Our nostrils and cribriform plat(roof of nasal passage) has receptors to catch this smell and stimulating this receptor would have produce a potential difference and thus a wave of current through olfactory nerve and than to cerebral cortex.
This is science!ok.
But I was thinking that similar to above even brain or our body could emit such material that can b sensed by our body.(yeah!its seen in dog because they have smelling receptors very powerful.but i m asking about other than smell).
Science says that our brain emits 4 types of waves which can be recorded on Electroencephalogram.Out of 4 waves all are produced normally in Non rapid eye movement sleep excpet beta waves.
Beta waves are produced in awake,eyes opened state when mind is focused on particular thing.This waves have highest frequency and lowest amplitude.
What if this waves could be made powerful enough to produce change in body physic at distance.And what if we develop a powerful sensor/receptor to sense this waves.
We can call it Telepathy.Right?